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Race #6

Date: 14th September 2019
Altitude Gain:
Location:  Sexten (Sesto), Italy
Contact: Marina
Email: /

Race Information

Südtirol Drei Zinnen Alpine Run
17,5 km & 1.350 Höhenmeter

Tausend Läuferinnen und Läufer aus rund 20 Nationen führt der Südtirol Drei Zinnen Alpine Run durch die einzigartige Bergkulisse der Sextner Dolomiten, Dolomiten UNESCO Weltnaturerbe, hinauf ins Ziel auf 2.405 m über dem Meeresspiegel vor die weltbekannten Drei Zinnen.

Südtirol Drei Zinnen Alpine Run
17,5 km & 1.350 m di altitudine

Un migliaio di atleti, provenienti da 20 nazioni, corrono nello scenario mozzafiato delle Dolomiti di Sesto, Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO, sino a 2.405 m di altitudine, sotto lo sguardo fiero delle Tre Cime.

Südtirol Drei Zinnen Alpine Run
17,5 km & 1,350 m of difference in altitude

Every year the Südtirol Drei Zinnen Alpine Run takes thousand of runners from around 20 countries through the unique mountain scenery of the Sesto Dolomites, UNESCO World Heritage, up to the finish line at 2,450 m above sea level in front of the world-famous Three Peaks.

Official Website

Information – Rules – Entry

Course Track

Race Video

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World Cup of Mountain Running by the World Mountain Running Association in partnership with IAAF

Every runner can come and join us and enjoy these great events in some of the most beautiful mountain scenery – come and run the World Cup.
Jonathan Wyatt.

 © World Mountain Running Association – Website Developed by: I’m The Black Sheep