Waiting for 11. World Masters Mountain Running Championships 2011 in Paluzza (Italy).
“1015 master athletes will arrive from 26 Nations around the world, in Paluzza, for 11. World Master Mountain Running Championships 2011: the village of Paluzza looks like a construction site in a rush.
11. World Masters Mountain Running Championship 2011 is starting in Paluzza, the village in the North eastern part of Italy, close to Udine, on next Saturday 17. September.
LOC hopes that the record of the entries could make possible that the higher number of runners that the ",World Masters Mountain Running Championships", have ever had could be present.”
The race will take place, starting from the main square of the village and then along the winding forest paths that surround it. The first ",start", will be given at 9.45 on Saturday.
Meanwhile, volunteers are setting the stage and a big screen, for the opening ceremony, in ",XXI-XXII Luglio", square. Close to it, Palazzo Cesfam will serve as an information point and a gathering point for the athletes that have to confirm their registration.
Furthermore, more than a thousand ",race packs", will be distributed. There will be other two tents: one for the storage of luggage and personal effects of each athlete and one as a canteen.
For all these operations – coordinated by the local organizing committee, which has its operational office in the municipality of Paluzza – 200 volunteers are still working.
On 13. September, Brian Keaveney, Vice President of ",World Masters Athletics",, arrived in Paluzza, from Canada. Keaveney said that he was ",enchanted by beautiful landscapes and by the pure environment of the valley",, and praised the work of the local committee. Bruno Gozzelino, WMRA President, and Raimondo Balicco, WMRA Council member and WMRA delegate for the event, will arrive in the next days.
A delegation from Buhlertal (Germany) – where the 12. World Master Mountain Running 2012 will be held on 19. May 2012 – will be present at the event and also the LOC of Janské, Lá,zné, (Czech Republic) where there will be the 13. World Master Mountain Running Championships on 31. August 2013 will arrive in paluzza for stating in the promotion of the event.
News by LOC
Photos by LOC
– Korbielow (POL): LOC Paluzza receive WMRA flag,
– Raimondo Balicco, Elia Vezzi, Bruno Gozzelino, Andrea Di Centa and Domenico Salvi ,