On Sunday, July 8, the 15th NACAC Mountain Running Championships will take place at Loon Mountain in Lincoln, New Hampshire. This year marks a return to the USA for this area championship after a four-year absence, and will welcome athletes from Canada, Mexico, USA, and new nation for 2018, El Salvador. The NACAC Mountain Running Championships has rotated between USA, Canada, and Mexico. Last year, Canada served as the host.
First held in 2006, the Loon Mountain Race is a 10.62-kilometer mostly uphill race starting at the base of the Loon Mountain Ski resort, climbing 3200 feet and finishing at the mountain summit. The terrain is a mix of gravel road at the start, service roads, grassy meadows, single track, and of course…climbing. With an average slope of 14 percent, the steepest climb is the final few hundred meters on “the Boss,” with a maximum grade of 48 percent.
WMRA council member Nancy Hobbs (USA), will be on site at the event. Updates on race day will be posted @wmramountainrun by Richard Bolt, who provides social media support to the WMRA. Race results will be posted at: www.millenniumrunning.com.